viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Listening in the Light of Writing

Lee4 august from GABecquer

This has been a very interesting work in which we, as a group, had to get organized and cooperate with each other. It has been a very productive experience since we had to be creative and analytical at the same time. We have never stopped sharing our ideas or offering help to our classmates. The real challenge has been the manipulation and creation of new activities and slides as a group. Despite the fact that there have been some difficulties for us to be able gather in one place and at the same time, our knowledge regarding the relation that exists between listening and writing has grown considerably. It is also important to highlight that the implementation of virtual platforms such as Slideshare and Google Presentation has been particularly enriching. We have all learnt something from each other, and that is reflected in our final product. In my view, working with Celce-Murcia's text has made us discover that there is a world of relations between the four macro skills. It is our work as teachers to develop strategies that enable our students to learn in the best possible ways and apply them in the classroom.

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