In the first place, in order o write a proper work, one should start by the "pre-writing" stage. For me, there has been no need of finding a topic to write about as it had already been given as part of the task. There has not been any kind of process related to building the idea I was supposed to write about or establishing the kind of public this work would be written for. A brainstorming, for example, would have given great results, although one can use freewriting for the same purpose as well. Planning a structure is something essential, and something that didn't take place in my writing process either, so instead of deciding which aspects of my idea I would write about, I started compulsively writing the first things that came to my mind. It has been like a freewriting of something not processed or not properly disassembled and examined.
I used brainstorming in order to get the ideas that made it possible for me to write this entry. |
Secondly, there has not been any draft made before declaring this work finished. Moreover, Writing and Writers are a Must itself could be taken as a draft of something that lacks a proper shape or consistency.
The draft I used in order to get to the definitive version of this entry. |
In the third place, it is obvious that there has not been an opportunity of revising the work at any extent. No questions regarding the level of detail or the logical order in which ideas are presented have been considered (mentioning Vigotsky and suddenly jumping to the Greek philosophers all of a sudden is a clear example of this). Moreover, no additions, rearrangements, removals or replacements of information have taken place.
A fourth fact worthmentioning is that this work has been put through an editing process, but taking into account that there was no final product the author (I) might have had in mind (no target public, etc.), it has been "editing for the sake of editing" and nothing more.
Finally, the fifth and last stage of the writing process is the "publishing" stage. Although Writing and Writers are a Must has been posted on the internet through Blogger, this event was not part of this stage due to the fact that its publishing was not part of any set of stages in any kind of process: it is a "purposeless written work that has been published just because it was part of a given task."
A writing is not such if it does not meet certain conditions that have to do with its elaboration process, as it has been mentioned before. In order to write a proper article, paper, story or any kind of written production, there are certain aspects that have to be taken into consideration as it has been described. Following The 5 Basic Stages of the Writing Process is one of the keys to a successful writing.
Click here to go to the G-DOC that we had to write about The 5 Basic Stages of the Writing Process!